VCRJ Working Groups

In the Fall of 2021, when what became Virginia Catholic for Racial Justice was first forming, leaders organized those interested in racial justice into three working groups (Education, Social Action and Advocacy). As we moved forward, we realized that the formation of working groups was premature. However, now is the time!

VCRJ leadership has considered the work ahead and is now forming four working groups and recruiting members who are interested in these areas of focus. The groups are described below and a google form to join a group is included.

Education Working Group. Assist in the formation of VCRJ leaders and members through compiling, creating, and distributing resources (including diocesan wide events) that make the case that Racial Justice is a Catholic issue.

Evangelization Working Group. Build relationships with organizations and strategic partners doing the work of racial justice and develop relationships with potential allies who possess the social and/or financial capital to further VCRJ’s mission.

Parish Support Working Group. Support parishes in the work of racial justice.

The Power of Story Working Group. Collect, record, and distribute stories of Black Catholics in our diocese with priority on those who were members of the closed Black parishes.

If you would like to join a working group or would like more information, please complete the form below:

I am interested in the following working group(s):(required)

Please choose one:

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